New York City, My Favorite Place

Caption: New York City Skyline

New York City, NY
While I have only visited the city once, it was magical. The fast paced, loud lifestyle was something that sweeps you off your feet. Seeing the different people, restaurants, shops and experiences you could have in one place was mesmerizing. I went my junior year of high school for a choir trip. We sang at Carnegie Hall and I still have dreams about that day. It was such an amazing trip and I hope to visit again someday.


  1. Hey Erin! I have always wanted to go to New York City. Every picture and video i see of it has such an energy to it, and I just can't imagine what that feels like in person. Singing in Carnegie hall sounds super cool; I definitely wish I had a cool experience like that to write about. In fact, I'd be a happy if I could carry a tune in my car, much less a great concert hall. I can't wait to read more of your stories as I browse the blog stream this semester.

  2. What an amazing picture you found for New York, Erin: fantastic! And you sang at Carnegie Hall... wow! Hopefully you will get to go back again sometime soon.

    For the image, remember to include a link back to the webpage where you found the image, in addition to the caption. So, instead of just copying and pasting the image from another site, use the upload option, and include a link to the website, like this:
    Travel+Leisure: Manhattan Travel Guide

    Here's more about how all that works, and since you will have images in most of your blog posts for class, it's good to get used to that upload option and linking to your source too:
    Blogger Images: Always Upload

  3. Hi Erin! The picture you chose to depict New York City is so expansive and beautiful! The photo is so captivating that I really wish I was there to see it myself! I have always wanted to go to a big city like New York City especially to try their food! I have seen so many snaps of the food there and it is so enticing! That is so cool that you got to sing at Carnegie Hall though!

  4. Erin, I have been to New York City once as well and I fell in love with it too! There is always something going on and always something to do. Maybe one day you will end up working for a public relations firm in the city, that would be really neat! I also love the picture, it captures NYC well.


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